There are many benefits to being involved in the programs in Queen of Martyrs Pastorate. Primary among these is that children will witness an adult taking their faith seriously. That critical example is something we cannot provide. What we can provide is the training and support you need to assist us in teaching our faith to them. Please prayerfully consider how you might be involved and contact Erin Olver to get started. Thank you and God Bless.
Meet the first, second, and third weeks of the month from October-April. Facilitate one and one-half hour lessons with prayer and discussion. Lesson plans will be supplied and additional resources and materials are available.
Fill in for facilitators if they are absent.
Help drive, chaperone, make treats, and aid the group facilitator.
Attend weekly gatherings for High School Confirmation Candidate and participate with the candidate in a service project when the sponsor cannot be present.
Work with those who are college-age or older, continuing religious education once or twice a month.
Chaperone for area and Diocesan events and mission trips.
Photographer for youth events.