Altar Servers are responsible for preparing the church for the Mass by lighting the candles, placing the gifts in the appropriate place in the back of the church, and setting the Sacramentary and other items for communion on the credence table. Altar servers must arrive in the sacristy 15 minutes before the scheduled time for Mass. Altar Servers are at least 3rd grade age to adult. Training is provided. If you are looking for more information or wish to volunteer as an Altar Server please contact the parish office.
Eucharistic Ministers help in the distribution of Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers training sessions will be held periodically for people who are interested in participating in this ministry. If you would like more information or are interested in volunteering please contact the parish office.
Lectors are responsible for proclaiming the first and second readings at weekday and Saturday/Sunday Masses. There are workbooks available to help Lectors prepare for the readings. For more information or to volunteer please contact the parish office.
Ushers serve the congregation by collecting the offertory at Saturday/Sunday Masses, and putting the collection in the designated secure place. They may be called on to help worshipers who have questions or difficulties before, during and after Mass.
There are many opportunities to share your love of music with your fellow parishioners. Please contact Steve Zahn 608-365-9359 with questions.
Organist, pianists and guitarists assist in accompanying various parish liturgies.
Teachers are needed for grades K-8. Teacher of grade two will prepare students for the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist. Classes are Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 in the Family Center.
Volunteers needed monthly to clean church. Instructions/check list provided